

Additional Songs「ハカイ」Vocal ASORA

終わったの... ?


どうするの? これから?

どうするかな? 地球(ほし)に戻るか?





へぇ、なんだ? 聞かせてくれよ。



Desolation Vocals ASORA

I fight to be close to you, to be a part of something.

But I wage this war alone.

It's no small feat in a world where no one...

can distinguish wrong from right.

I destroy those before me just to see tomorrow.

But inside I weep silently.

Though I have no tears left to cry.

Let me show you the real me.

Let me show you the terror within.

My heart lies in ruins.

I no longer know remorse.

And I don't find a moment's comfort...

in protecting the one who needs me.

I dream of reaching the one who's waited for me.

At the end of this eternal path.

When we've torn through the endless night

and have finally seen the dawn,

will it be you standing there?

Refreshing as the morning sunshine?

Inside I weep silently

though I have no tears left to cry.

Let me show you the real me.

Only you will see the terror within.

Only you will know how scared I am.

Is it all over?


So what now? Head back to Earth and
hide there?

No more hiding, Kachi. No more
running. We forge ahead now.

That sounds...nice.

They'll eventually come after us, but I
don't care.

Because we've got each other.
Together we can take on anyone.

Isa, I'm beginning to remember details
about my past.

Oh yeah? Like what?

Long ago, I wasn't called Kachi.
I was known as...


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